Bonneville Power Administration Project 2000-009-00
Logan Valley Wildlife Mitigation
Protective fences and monitoring/maintenance are necessary to prevent trespass cattle from impacting restored or recovering riparian areas. Annual fence maintenance activities at the Logan Valley property consist of maintaining: 1) perimeter fences, 2) cattle panels at stream crossings, and 3) fences around willows and aspens. In addition, a riparian exclusion fence is being maintained to reduce erosion due to grazing activities on U.S. Forest Service Land neighboring Tribal Lands.
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Weed Control
The BPT annually surveys the property for noxious weeds (e.g., reed canary grass, dalmatian toadflax, spotted knapweed, field pennycress, dyer’s woad, Canada thistle, bulbous bluegrass, and coast tarweed) and removes species, as necessary, to maintain vegetative communities that are beneficial to native wildlife.
Conservation Reserve and Enhancement Program (CREP)
In 2007, the Tribe entered 345 riparian acres into CREP for a 15-year period, agreeing to protect riparian corridors from activities detrimental to the establishment of riparian plants, stream structure, and soil profiles. In 2008, the BPT collaborated with the Natural Reclamation Service to develop a planting plan that included 128,000 willow, dogwood, rose, and aspen to be planted in riparian and upland zones to: 1) create shade, 2) lower water temperatures, and 3) provide detritus and large woody debris. The BPT now maintains these trees and shrubs using tree protectors, mulch fabric, and fencing. Additional willow cuttings and aspen were planted.
Irrigation ditches throughout the Logan Valley property are controlled to balance watering wildlife forage, cattle watering, and creek levels. Construction and maintenance is required to ensure the systems work properly.
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Migratory Bird Surveys
Since 2006, annual point count bird surveys have been conducted at Logan Valley. Key species are chosen based on dependence on their respective habitat types and the potential to increase or decrease in numbers based on management actions. Abundance trends of these species serve as indicators of habitat degradation or improvement.
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Stream Photos
To monitor vegetative components and changes in stream structure since the property was enrolled in CREP in 2007, the BPT annually documents vegetative status through photographs taken at 14 index locations distributed across Big, Lake, and McCoy creeks, as well as the Malheur River. Stream photos are not taken to quantify changes. Instead, photos are used for qualitative analyses and visual historic references. Click here to view changes throughout the years.
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Small Mammal Surveys
The BPT conducts small mammal surveys to determine species presence and extrapolate populations. Commonly detected species include the least chipmunk, deer mouse, western jumping mouse, Douglas squirrel, and golden-mantled ground squirrel.

Oregon Semaphore Grass
In 2013, the Oregon Department of Agriculture’s (ODA) Native Plant Conservation Program continued recovery efforts for the rare Oregon semaphore grass at the Logan Valley Wildlife Mitigation Site. The created population was monitored, nursery stocks continued to be cultivated and maintained, and more transplants were out-planted at the Logan Valley site. The ODA monitors the grass reproductive rates and survival.